Sesiones propuestas

Session Speaker(s) Experience levelsort ascending Track
Taller: SaaS en Drupal con Services y OAuth develCuy "Software as a Service" (SaaS), es una faceta tal vez poco explotada pero muy potente de Drupal 7. En este taller aprenderás a montar un servidor SaaS con Drupal, y como usar JSON para convertirlo en... Avanzado Development
Forms, Forms y mas Forms Ericmaster

Los formularios son la base para interacción del usuario con la aplicación web.

Avanzado Development
What is drupal cache? lnunesbr Demonstrate how drupal cache works, and how to improve it for scaling and improving its performance. Avanzado Performance
What is drupal cache? lnunesbr Demonstrate how drupal cache works, and how to improve it for scaling and improving its performance. Avanzado Performance
What is drupal cache? lnunesbr Demonstrate how drupal cache works, and how to improve it for scaling and improving its performance. Avanzado Performance
What is drupal cache? lnunesbr Demonstrate how drupal cache works, and how to improve it for scaling and improving its performance. Avanzado Performance
